ENERCON conducted a series of investigative, planning, remediation, and waste management activities under two contracts to address Carbon-14 contamination in former agricultural Test Plots at the Research Facility in Loxley, Alabama between 2013 and 2016. Key elements of the project included detailed site characterization, site-specific release criteria development, fire ant management, and effective coordination with multiple State and Federal agencies.
Site remediation was conducted in July 2016 under the ENERCON Texas Radioactive Materials License. Remediation involved demarcation of excavation areas; treatment of excavation areas for fire ants; soil excavation, soil placement in supersacks; transportation to the Bear Creek Processing Facility in Oak Ridge, TN for BSFR; a USDA Fire Ant inspection at the Bear Creek Facility; and transportation of the waste bags to the Carter Valley Landfill in Hawkins County, TN for final disposal.
An appropriate technical approach and effective coordination with State and Federal agencies resulted successful expedited release of the Loxley Test Plots for unrestricted release. Notice of license termination was received within one month of site remediation.