Shekar Shanmugam Joins ENERCON as Chief Strategy Officer
Dec. 9, 2020 Atlanta, GA – Enercon Services, Inc. (ENERCON) is pleased to announce that Shekar Shanmugam has joined the company as Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) for Energy Services and Environmental Services Group, with a focus on driving strategic growth across North America. “Shekar is well recognized throughout the industry for his leadership and ability […]

ENERCON’S Baton Rouge chapter of NAYGN raises money for Hurricane Laura’s disaster relief
Our Baton Rouge chapter of the North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NAYGN) hosted a fundraiser to raise money for disaster relief in the aftermath of devastating, Hurricane Laura, in southwest Louisiana. They fundraised for an organization called St. Bernard Project, a non-profit, disaster relief organization. The group surpassed their initial goal and raised enough […]

Enercon Federal Services Receives AE Project at NNSS
Enercon Federal Services (ENERCON) was recently awarded an Architect & Engineering (A&E) contract with the Design Engineering Division of Mission Support and Test Services, LLC (MSTS) to provide facility modification design services for the U1a.03 Test Bed Project in the U1a facility at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). The U1a Complex is an underground […]
New Partnership with SRNS
Enercon Federal Services was awarded a $3.2 million project with Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS) for general engineering and design services in the site preparation phase of a new Tritium Finishing Facility (TFF) to be built at the Savannah River Site (SRS) in Aiken, South Carolina. The projected scope of the site preparation includes demolition […]
NAYGN Announces New Leadership
A new generation is taking charge of ENERCON’s NAYGN chapters, and they have big plans to promote change and redefine what it means to be an active member of the organization. North American Young Generation in Nuclear – or NAYGN – is a non-profit, grassroots organization of young professionals in the nuclear science and technology […]

Safeguarding critical systems with a FLEXible approach
By Arihant Jain As the 2020 storm season progresses, critical infrastructure facilities are preparing to face the consequences of increasingly powerful weather forces. But what can the industry do to reduce their risk? The solution may come from an unlikely source – a commercial power industry process called FLEX. FLEX is an approach for diverse […]

ENERCON Announces CEG Acquisition
(June 1, 2020: Atlanta, GA) Engineering and environmental services firm, Enercon Services, Inc. (ENERCON) today, announced their acquisition of Critical Engineering Group, Inc. (CEG). The acquisition brings expanded capabilities to ENERCON’s existing services and positions them for increased reach within the data center and mission critical communications sector. “The acquisition is a positive step towards […]

Federal Court Ruling for Utility Line Projects
There have been changes to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Regulatory Program, Nationwide Permit 12 (utility lines activities) that may disrupt routing and construction projects for utilities, pipeline operators and land developers, among other industries. On April 15, 2020, the United States District Court for the District of Montana Great Falls Division […]

Rosemount Nuclear Instruments Part 21 Notification Regarding Pressure Transmitters
On February 26, 2020, in accordance with 10 CFR Part 21, Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc. (RNII) provided a final report to the NRC (Accession No. ML20064C149) related to the treatment of temperature rise due to self-heating in electronics in qualified life thermal aging calculations. Self-heating refers to the heat-induced from passing an electrical current through […]