For over 20 years, ENERCON has used specialized remediation techniques for the removal of non-aqueous phase liquids (gasoline, diesel, crude oil, solvents) from soil and groundwater.

Our technology options are ideal for those facilities where existing infrastructure (e.g. underground utilities, process piping, tanks, buildings, etc.) would preclude traditional excavation methods for remediation. Compared to other in-situ remediation providers, ENERCON has a record of significantly shortening the timeline to achieve regulatory-driven cleanup objectives. The methods we use can reduce the potential for off-site migration, minimize client liability, achieve more stringent cleanup goals, and eliminate long-term operation and maintenance costs when compared to traditional in-situ remediation methods.

ENERCON provides turnkey environmental services, including:

  • State Brownfield and Voluntary Response Programs
  • Coal Combustion Residual Management
  • Geologic and Hydrogeologic Site Characterizations
  • Groundwater Modeling
  • Remedial Design, Implementation, and Oversight
  • Superfund Site Cleanup
  • Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management
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