Our team of specialists perform natural and cultural resource assessments to mitigate your environmental risks and balance stewardship with your bottom line.
Our scientists are at the forefront of industry and have solid working relationships with regulatory agency staff and administrations, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State Historic Preservation Officers, and Tribal representatives. Many of our archeologists are “Secretary of the Interior” qualified and can work on commercial, state or federal land.
Our goal is to help you avoid unnecessary administrative processes that may slow progress. We perform with speed, efficiency and quality, investigating natural and cultural resources and developing smart strategies to reduce regulatory impacts on your business while protecting the environment.
Through our data-driven approach, we provide informed and intelligent permitting strategies and serve as trusted advisers to help you make sound decisions. We work closely with regulatory agencies to ensure your application is accurate and complete, and we track the review process through approval so you can continue to run your business.
Our services include:
- Avian Mortality Surveys
- Ecological Studies
- Environmental Inspections
- Clean Water Act Permitting
- Cultural Resources Surveys
- Desktop Reviews
- Historic Preservation Planning
- Invasive Plant Management
- Licensing and Regulatory Support
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance
- Routing, Siting and Land Acquisition Support
- ROW Coordination
- ROW Warranty Inspections
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Development (Erosion and Sediment Control Maps) and Inspections
- Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys and Consultation
- Water Quality Assessments
- Wetlands and other Waters of the U.S. Delineations
- Wetland and Stream Mitigation Development, Construction, and Monitoring